The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

Latest Episodes

#266 - Daily MG - Breath by James Nestor - 6 of 6
October 30, 2021

"Nitric oxide is a powerhouse molecule that widens capillaries, increases oxygenation, and relaxes the smooth muscles. Humming increases the release of nitric oxide in the nasal passages 15-fold. Ther

#265 - Daily MG - Breath by James Nestor - 5 of 6
October 29, 2021

"Here’s the information: To practice Wim Hof’s breathing method, start by finding a quiet place and lying flat on your back with a pillow under your head. Relax the shoulders, chest, and legs. Take a

#264 - Daily MG - Breath by James Nestor - 4 of 6
October 28, 2021

"When Buddhist monks chant their most popular mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, each spoken phrase lasts six seconds, with six seconds to inhale before the chant starts again. The traditional chant of Om, th

#263 - Daily MG - Breath by James Nestor - 3 of 6
October 27, 2021

"The perfect breath is this: Breathe in for about 5.5 seconds, then exhale for 5.5 seconds. That’s 5.5 breaths a minute for a total of about 5.5 liters of air." - James Nestor

#262 - Daily MG - Breath by James Nestor - 2 of 6
October 26, 2021

"Every healthy cell in the body is fueled by oxygen, and this is how it’s delivered. The entire cruise takes about a minute, and the overall numbers are staggering. Inside each of our 25 trillion red

#261 - Daily MG - Breath by James Nestor - 1 of 6
October 25, 2021

"This book will explore many things: evolution, medical history, biochemistry, physiology, physics, athletic endurance, and more. But mostly it will explore you. By the law of averages, you will take

#260 - Daily MG - The Mundanity of Excellence by Daniel F. Chambliss - 6 of 6
October 23, 2021

"Excellence is mundane. Superlative performance is really a confluence of dozens of small skills or activities, each one learned or stumbled upon, which have been carefully drilled into habit and then

#259 - Daily MG - The Mundanity of Excellence by Daniel F. Chambliss - 5 of 6
October 22, 2021

"Talent is indistinguishable from its affects. One cannot see talent exists until after its affects have become obvious".

#258 - Daily MG - The Mundanity of Excellence by Daniel F. Chambliss - 4 of 6
October 21, 2021

"Stratification in the sport is discrete, not continuous".

#257 - Daily MG - The Mundanity of Excellence by Daniel F. Chambliss - 3 of 6
October 20, 2021

"Different levels of sport are qualitatively distinct. So consider three dimensions: technique, discipline, and attitude".
