The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#275 - Daily MG - Golf‘s Sacred Journey by David L. Cook - 3 of 6

November 10, 2021

"Finally he asked if I was warmed up. I said I was. He then asked me why I gripped the club in the manner in which I did. I said that I hadn’t given it much thought, that it just felt good this way. “Completely unacceptable,” he replied. Thinking he was talking about my grip, I asked him what was wrong with it. He said, “The grip is fine. It is your answer that is unacceptable.” With this he pulled out a small pink note pad, scribbled my name on the top page with the word FIRED underneath, tore it off, and handed it to me. I sheepishly took the piece of paper while asking why I was being handed a pink slip at our first lesson. “Son,” he said with a certainty to his voice, “You just got fired. You are the CEO of a potential multimillion dollar company. If you want to be rehired by the end of this day you better learn to answer your board of directors with a competent and well-thought-out answer to such a strategic and crucial question. If you want to lead a successful organization, you better build a bullet-proof foundation for why you do what you do and how you do it. Or you should hang it up right now.” - David L. Cook
