The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#229 - Daily MG - Leading by Alex Ferguson - 5 of 6

September 17, 2021

"In the 36 hours before a game there was a rhythm to our preparation. We'd show a short, condensed video of the opponents to the players before we practised and then, at the hotel, on the evening of the game, we'd centre their attention on the things they needed to pay heed to... I always liked to dwell on an opponent's weaknesses rather than its strengths. While it was.good to look at video of some of the lethal players we would find ourselves up against, ultimately no battles are won by mounting a sterling defence. The way to win battles, wars and games is by attacking and overrunning the opposing side. So I would always dwell on our opponents' weaknesses - partly to exploit them and partly to impart in my players a sense of what was possible. If you overemphasise opponents' strengths, you just plant seeds of doubt in your players." - Alex Ferguson (winningest sports manager in British history)
