The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#223 - Daily MG - Love by Leo Buscaglia - 5 of 6

September 10, 2021

"It's Don Juan, who says, "Each path is only one of a million paths. Therefore, you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path. If you feel that you must now follow it, you need not stay with it under any circumstances. Any path is only a path. There is no affront to yourself or others in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you to do. But your decision to keep on the path or to leave it must be free of fear and ambition. I warn you: Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself and yourself alone one question. It is this: Does this path have a heart? All paths are the same. They lead nowhere. They are paths going through the brush or into the brush or under the brush. Does this path have a heart is the only questions. If it doesn't, then it is of no use." If your path is love the goal is unimportant, the process will have heart." - Leo Buscaglia
