The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#216 - Daily MG - This Is Your Brain On Sports - 4 of 6

September 02, 2021

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"Praise can boost performance in the classroom, just as it can on the home ice of South Bend - but not when it's based on simply showing up, and not when it frames success in terms of fixed levels of aptitude. To maximize impact, praise has to be linked to effort. In other words, contrary to intuition, it's problematic to tell a kid she's a natural athlete. Or that he's a winner. Becuase when performance-based praise or reward is framed in terms of fixed ability, the stage is set not for perseverance but for future letdown. It's those kids praised for effort who are more likely to show grit and less likely to skirt a challenge down the road. To lapse into coach-speak: They're the ones who develop sticktoittiveness when the going gets tough." - Sam Sommers
