The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#212 - Daily MG - The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy - 6 of 6

August 28, 2021

Our Win The Week email comes out tomorrow. All fear, frustration, inconsistency, stress, discouragement, anxiety, and anger come from out-of-control thinking. Out-of-control thinking leads to out-of-control performance. Each Sunday I'll send you an email to make sure your mind stays disciplined for when you need it the most. Join the Win The Week Club at

"You feel better, don't you?" Without looking at her he said "Yes." Her dress, her figure, the expression of her face, the tone of her voice, all revealed the same thing... "Forgive me," but said "Forego" and waved his hand, knowing that He whose understanding mattered would understand." - Tolstoy
