The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#201 - Daily MG - Game Changers by Dave Asprey - 1 of 6

August 16, 2021

Thanks for listening. Our FREE communication and TRUST BUILDING mini-course is up and running! We'll go over the 8 communication skills you must master to succeed as a coach. You can sign up for it at

"Consider doing a nightly practice, such as the one I do with my kids. At the end of each day, I ask them to list three things they're grateful for. Then I ask them one thing they failed at today. Failure means "something I worked hard on but didn't achieve." Then, if they failed at something that day, I praise them for having worked hard enough to fail. If they had no failures that day, I put on a sad face and tell them that I hope tomorrow will be a better day, one where they push themselves hard enough to fail. If you kids, try it. If you don't try journaling. Write down a failure, not just a misfortune, and recognize that it means you pushed yourself. Congratulate yourself in the journal for taking the risk." - Dave Asprey
