The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#187 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 5 of 6

July 30, 2021

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"Social Awareness Strategy: Practice the art of listening. Listening isn't just about hearing words; it's also about listening to the tone, speed, and volume of the voice. What is being said? Anything not being said? What hidden messages exist below the surface? You may have sat through a speech or presentation where powerful words were chosen, but the tone, speed, or volume didn't match the power of the words. Instead, these likely matched the speaker's frame of mind. Here's the strategy to practice: When someone is talking to you, stop everything else and listen fully until the other person is finished speaking. When you are on a phone call, don't type an email. When your son asks you a question, put your laptop down and look at him while you respond. When you're eating dinner with your family, turn off the TV and listen to the conversation around the table. When you're meeting with someone, close the door and sit near the person so you can focus and listen. Simple things like these will help you stay in the present moment, pick up on the cues the other person sends, and really hear what he or she is saying." - Travis Bradberry
