The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#185 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 3 of 6

July 28, 2021

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"Self-awareness strategy: Quit treating your feelings as good or bad. It's human nature to want to create two simple and easy piles of emotions: the good ones and the bad ones. For instance, most people would automatically classify guilt as bad. You don't want to feel it - you might even beat yourself up about it - and you do whatever you can to get rid of it. Likewise, we tend to let good emotions like excitement run wild. We pump ourselves up and feed off the energy. The downfall of attaching such labels to your emotions is that judging your emotions keeps you from really understanding what it is that you are feeling... so, next time you feel an emotion begin to build, take notice of it immediately. Refrain from putting it into the good or bad pile and remind yourself that the feeling is there to help you understand something important." - Travis Bradberry
