The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#179 - Daily MG - Musashi's Book of Five Rings - 3 of 6

July 21, 2021

The Mental Game Enthusiasts are chatting on facebook. Search mental game enthusiasts on facebook and get in on the discussion. See you in there!

"A lancer should understand the sword, a kempoist should understand jiu-jitsu technique, and a doctor should know carpentry. How else could they meet the unexpected without knowing how the opposition's weapon's work? It is also suggested that the warrior familiarize himself with the actual workings of other weapons. In this way a foreign attack will not overwhelm him with its technique, even if it has never been encountered before. Constant study of every aspect of the warrior's craft is essential to understanding the true value of one's particular skills." - Musashi
