The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#171 - Daily MG - Great Teams by Don Yaeger - 1 of 6

July 12, 2021

Today was all about a communication technique "framing it" and we have way more for you in a FREE communication mini-course. You can sign up for it at

"What if you're leading a team or organization like the Clippers, who lack such a storied tradition? Eastman says that team leadership has to emphasize to its players that they have the opportunity to do something new, to establish that winning culture and create "a legend for future generations. Bad history or no history - frame it. Frame it to your advantage. If you have a great record of success, stress it. If you don't tell your team that they get to go out and make it. Whatever it is, use your history to create energy for your team." - Don Yaeger
