The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#170 - Daily MG - Flourish by Martin Seligman - 6 of 6

July 10, 2021

Our win the week email comes out tomorrow. All fear, frustration, inconsistency, stress, discouragement, anxiety, and anger come from out-of-control thinking. Out-of-control thinking leads to out-of-control performance. Each Sunday I'll send you an email to make sure your mind stays disciplined for when you need it the most. Join the Win The Week Club at

"I conclude that optimism is robustly associated with cardiovascular health, and pessimism with cardiovascular risk. I conclude that positive mood is associated with protection from colds and flu, and negative mood is with greater risk for colds and flu. I conclude that highly optimistic people may have a lower risk for developing cancer. I conclude that healthy people who have good psychological well-being are at less risk for death from all causes... I am all for realism when there is a knowable reality out there that is not influenced by your expectations. When your expectations influence reality, realism sucks." What I wrote in my book. If your expectations have anything to do with reality, then it is optimism or pessimism, NOT realism." - Martin Seligman
