The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#163 - Daily MG - With Winning in Mind by Lanny Basham - 5 of 6

July 02, 2021

"Set up a new self-image that is in direct conflict with your old habits and attitudes. Donny’s new attitude is, “I am the best free throw shooter on my team.” His new habit is each time he makes a free-throw he must say, “That’s like me!” Each time he misses he must forget his error. Olympic athletes call this technique Feast or Forget. He must run a mental program on each free throw to maximize his chance of making every shot. He should reinforce his successes by recording in his Performance Analysis Journal."

Lanny Basham is a former Olympian and teacher of the Mental Management system.
