The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#158 - Daily MG - What Drives Winning by Brett Ledbetter - 6 of 6

June 26, 2021

"Hardwork, Competitiveness, Accountability, and Focus When are these hardest?

Hardworking: Paying the price with effort
When I’m not getting the results I want

When others aren’t working hard and getting rewarded

When it’s for someone I don’t care about

Competitive: Striving to be your best
When others around me don’t care

When I feel like I can’t win or the goal is out of reach

When I put my relationship with the person above winning the competition

When i don’t think I was in the wrong

When I fear embarrassment/judgment

When I fear the consequences I’ll have to face

When I don’t know how to prioritize things

When thing are too easy

When others pull my focus elsewhere (friends, family, teammates)"

This week’s book is What Drives Winning by Brett Ledbetter. Brett is a performance consultant.
