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The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#140 - Daily MG - Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden - 6 of 6

June 05, 2021

"Fred Slaughter on Wooden: A cool leader prevents overheating. I think there were four or five games in my career at UCLA when we started out behind something like 18-2 - just getting killed. I’d look over at Coach Wooden, and there he’d sit on the bench with his program rolled up in his hand - totally unaffected, almost like we were ahead. And I’d think to myself, “Hey, if he’s not worried why should I be worried? Let’s just do what the guy told us to do. And you know what? We won all those games except one, and even that was close. It’s the doggonest experience to see that. He was cool when it counted; his confidence and strength became ours."

John Wooden is ESPN's Coach of The Century and won 10 NCAA D1 basketball championships in 12 years.
