The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

#131 - Daily MG - Life is Yours to Win by Augie Garrido - 3 of 6

May 26, 2021

"I can quickly tell whether a young man is a player or prospect by his response to one question: “If I tell you that I want you to play a different position on our team than the one you customarily play, what will you tell your teammates when they ask you why you switched positions?” The bona fide ballplayer will instinctively answer, “Because Coach felt it would help the team win.” The prospect won’t usually have an answer for me because he doesn’t want to be moved to another position. He will see it as a threat to his future earnings. He is involved in the team but not committed to it."

Augie Garrido is the winningest coach in NCAA D1 baseball history.
