Pause Your Game

Pause Your Game

Episode 141 - Got to Have a Card Game

August 08, 2016

Augmentation and card games take center stage on this week's episode. Square Enix catches flak for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's marketing campaign, "Augs Lives Matters"—with us discussing if the outrage is warranted or not. We also delve into the recent trend of every major IP making a card game and if that trend will continue. But, we can't forget our ongoing news! Activision (aka the Devil) makes record second quarter profits largely thanks to the Chinese market, and we speculate on the recent report stating Nintendo will have a Zelda, Mario, and Pokemon within six months of the NX's launch. So pause your game and sit back for another discussion and debate packed episode of your favorite gaming podcast! SHOW NOTES 2:26 Reports point to Nintendo having a Mario,Pokemon, and Zelda title within 6 months of the NX’s launch 18:32 Activision reports record Q2 profits, largely due to Overwatch and China 28:32 Every Major IP seems to be making a card game 45:38 Augs Lives Matter
