Patricia E Adams Live

Patricia E Adams Live

Live Interview with Jim McCarthy, Author of Live Each Day, TEDx Speaker

May 10, 2019

Jim McCarthy had a Stanford MBA and a successful career in Silicon Valley. But a cancer diagnosis suddenly changed his life, forcing him to ask questions such as How much longer will I live? What do I need to repair in my relationships? How can I use my work to help others? What, after all, would make me happy? Since then, Jim has spent years studying the latest in neuroscience and psychology in an effort to understand what helps people thrive with abundant pleasure, purpose, and peace. His conclusion: Happiness is a skill you can develop. What qualifies him to do this? Jim has worked as an English teacher in Frankfurt, a business journalist in Madrid, a phone salesman in the Bay Area, and a McKinsey consultant in Munich. After earning his MBA at Stanford in 1996, he spent almost 20 years in executive roles at pioneering Silicon Valley companies such as Yahoo, where he was employee #258. On February 5, 2013, his doctor called him up and told him he had cancer. He’s grateful to say that his health these days seems good. But the experience of receiving this diagnosis forced him to face his mortality and think hard about his legacy. He believes everyone should enjoy abundant pleasure, purpose and peace in their careers and their lives. His talks aren’t just inspirational. Participants take away practical strategies, science-based insights, and daily action plans to lower their stress, boost their confidence, and create the magical 1% moment!
