Pass It To Bulis

Pass It To Bulis

Keeping Even-Keeled and Christmas Season

November 17, 2014

It’s an emotional roller coaster for Canucks fans right now. After the Canucks largely successful road trip through California, fans were jubilant, certain that this was confirmation that this Canucks’ season wouldn’t be as disastrous as the previous one.

It took just one, ugly loss to the sub-.500 Arizona Coyotes to undo all those good feelings and convince those same fans that the end of the world was nigh.

Daniel and Harrison tackle the week that was and advise everyone to keep an even keel, relax, and enjoy the ride. The Canucks will experience both highs and lows this season and, even this far into the season, it’s impossible to say just how good this team really is. So, when they’re good, enjoy it. When they’re bad, don’t take it too hard — it’s early yet.

Also, they tackle the question of when the Christmas season starts and figure out what the heck pralines really are, because they have no idea.
