Partners in Health and Biz

Partners in Health and Biz

Eleven Spices to Reduce Bodily Inflammation

August 15, 2020

In the past, spices were a foundation of medicine and a cornerstone of global commerce. For most people today, they are just a collection of bottles collecting dust in our pantries.

As your dietary repertoire expands, you should consider both the health and culinary benefits of spices.

Tune in and learn how 11 important and popular spices can add zest, additional flavor for you to savor, and a host of anti-inflammatory health benefits to your foods.

This is a pre-recorded show. I will not be taking calls during this short episode.

Dear PIH Radio followers, please forgive me.  I forgot to share this segment of Partners in Health and Biz with you during this morning's 9 a.m. show.
