Parkview Findlay

Parkview Findlay

Latest Episodes

Disciples: Andrew
February 27, 2020

Discipleship begins when we answer the call of Christ.

Noah: Covenant
February 18, 2020

The sign of the covenant carries special significance to both God and man. The sign would be a visual reminder of the commitment that was made, it will be an affirmation of the promise of God.

Noah: Dry Land
February 10, 2020

What do our actions and responses reveal about our relationship with God?

Noah: Rain
February 03, 2020

The story of Noah points clearly to the work of Jesus, the Messiah who was to come.  It provides a clear warning about the decisions that we face in life in regard to our faith.

Noah: The Warning
January 27, 2020

Noah reflected his desire to walk with the Lord, and his decision to build the ark was an act of obedience to God’s instructions. 

Prepare The Way: Testimony
January 21, 2020

It is often difficult to accept reality as we live up to our potential for the Kingdom.

Prepare The Way: Baptism
January 13, 2020

Jesus’ baptism was proper to fulfill all righteousness.

Prepare The Way: Straight Paths
January 06, 2020

Sometimes we become so hopelessly lost in our wanderings, that we need guided back to the straight path.

Our Savior Is Born: Wise Men
December 23, 2019

Today people are often afraid that Christ wants to take things away when, in reality, he wants to give them real freedom, peace, and joy.
