Parenting ReimaginedParenting Reimagined

Parenting ReimaginedParenting Reimagined

Episode 19 | Audry Adams: Redeeming Hard Things

June 03, 2013

Audry Adams is the mother of the kid throwing the tantrum in front of all the other guests at the birthday party.

Yes, many of us have been there. But, Audry has those difficult parenting moments more often than most. Her oldest son has Asperger syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder that can make it difficult for kids to communicate well, engage in social interactions, be emotionally flexible, and calm down when they are upset.

Because Audry has had so many challenges as a mother, she has learned to seek out ways to redeem these difficult moments. She shared her story on our podcast so that other parents of “difficult” kids would know that they are not alone in the unique struggles that they face.

Audry is the mother of three children, the wife of Jim and a supportive and encouraging presence to a large community of friends.
