PaRDeS Universal ReConstitution for World Repair

PaRDeS Universal ReConstitution for World Repair

004_ What is the secret of Jewish Survival?

November 19, 2017

004_ What is the secret of Jewish Survival?

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I have a calling; a book to deliver, “PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101”; and a job to perform, PaRDeS Universal ReConstitution for World Repair.

Title: “PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101”

Subtitle: (PaRDeS primevalism ~ treeseeding our original common-sense on the Bible’s Creation Story 1:1-2:3; World ReConstitution, from Crisis City to PaRaDiSe Earth)

Author: Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla.

Where: At Amazon

Formats: In paperback and digital, in English and Spanish translation.

As we are creative, here and now, the universe reconstitutes.


Dear Jewish Learning Institute:

The reference to the main query of “What is the secret to Jewish survival?”, arises in an ongoing Jewish Learning Institute course entitled, Great Debates in Jewish History, imparted by the talented and innovative Chabad Rabbi Mendy Levertov, at the Austin Texas Dell JCC.

But, previous to the main query you ask the following two coupled questions in the textbook. On page 17, you ask: “What are the advantages/disadvantages of a system that relies on prophecy for legal rulings”, and “What are the advantages/disadvantages of a system that relies on reason to derive legal rulings from the Torah?”. My answer to your coupled question is enthusiasm, that is, my reply is second story to the options provided of prophecy and reason, since each has something to recommend it.

Continuing now to the main query, on page 23 of the same textbook, you inquire, “What is the secret of Jewish survival?” Now, regarding this question, the multiple options provided are: a) Antisemitism, b) Divine miracle, c) Torah observance, d) Jewish stubbornness, e) Jewish wisdom, and f) Diaspora. My reply to this second question, in consonance to the first one, would be g). That is, in keeping alive and well the Reception of the handed-down live-tradition, (Kabbalah), of primeval PaRDeS, the original common-sense.

IMHO, an argument for the sake of heaven, is that there can only be peace, Shalom, if we're of one piece, PaRDeS.

Standing on one foot, allow me to explain what I mean by PaRDeS, of this unique primeval common-sense. This I will undertake by presenting a template of PaRDeS, the primeval common-sense, followed by three examples that illustrate the claim made, that in ordinary usage, Torah-engrossed Jews use this treeseed quite intuitively, without as much as seemingly being aware of it, by all accounts.

I arrived at the above conclusion, that there is a cornerstone of reason, this PaRDeS primeval common-sense, docked in the one Creation Story, in my work whose subtitle narrates the plot: title: “PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101, and subtitle: (PaRDeS primevalism ~ treeseeding our original common-sense on the Bible’s Creation Story 1:1-2:3; World ReConstitution, from Crisis City to PaRaDiSe Earth)”.

My book is available at a popular website in paperback and digital formats, in both English and Spanish translation. More information at my website,, #RicTurullolsBon on Twitter, #RicTurullolsBon on Facebook.

So, then, with that out of the way, the narrative is that we all have a primeval PaRDeS, original common-sense, that is hard-wired in our hearts, as found encrypted in the Bible’s Creation Story, Bere’shith Genesis 1:1-2:3. The source-code is PaRDeS PaRaDiSe (פרדס): acronym standing for Peshat Plain (פשט), Rémez Remite (רמז), Derash Discover (דרש),
