PuebloPanda Podcast

PuebloPanda Podcast

Back from Hiatus

March 25, 2021

We're Back Baby!

        It’s been a minute since the train initially left the station but we are chugging along once more! In this episode, Tobin and I catch up on what we’ve been up to since the hiatus. Recollect our experience with OverWatch, dive into our pandemic distractions, and catch up since the last episode. 

        Moving forward, we’ll be releasing an episode every week. Super excited to be bringing on more guests! There is going to be a very wide variety of guests and topics that will be covered. If you don’t like the topic, oh well haha there will be a new episode out next week.         I think Denver is home to so many creative and beautiful people that the world is waiting to see. A selfish part of me wants to hold that back and keep it to myself. That wouldn’t be fair to hide these gems from everybody who could use the joy in these tumultuous times.         Thank you all for tuning in and listening to the ridiculousness that we have on the show. If there is ever any topic you want to be covered, be sure to let us know! 
