Owning Your Own

Owning Your Own

017: RichSnippets.com Founder Jason Kreidman Discusses Semantic Markup (Schema)

February 27, 2014

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Owner of RichSnippets.com Jason Kreidman drops knowledge about Semantic markup language, eCommerce, consulting and balancing business with family.

  • Introductions and Updates
  • In-Person Interview – Jason Kreidman from Richsnippets.com
  • Outro Song – “Rebel Without a Pause” – Public Enemy (1988)

Send questions, comments, suggestions or love to podcast@owningyourown.com

Episode 017 Nugs of Knowledge

  • Send multiple people to OYOFans.com (3:20).
  • Jason also gives the parental perspective of balancing business with family. (4:00)
  • Jason may want to sleep in studio on a couch older than Andrew (5:30)
  • Grew up in an entrepreneurial family and obtained a masters degree in entrepreneurship in grad school (SDSU) (7:00)
  • His mom is an established author and speaker (8:00)
  • Started an application hosting company (cloud)..similar to Citrix for example. (8:30)
  • Did a lot of SEO with a lot of focus on e-Commerce. (9:00)
  • Alan, Andrew and Jason worked together at a previous agency. (9:20)
  • Throughout the years, Jason ran eCommerce sites on the side. (9:54)
  • Having children and significant other are important to make time for.  Schedule time during the days aside from the work.  (10:30)
  • Exciting part of building business is the energy, information gathering (13:45)
  • Can one only grow so big in a business?  Depending on type of business (14:15)
  • There are different phases of growing a company (14:30)
  • Knowing what you ARE NOT good at is important to understanding what you need to outsource (15:15)
  • Perceptions of businesses is they all have to be millionaires. (16:00)
  • At times, one can potentially make more money being a consultant (16:15)
  • Document things; what you are spending time on, (accounting, sales, marketing..) (18:30)
  • Project based consulting is best with people you have a rapport with.  Newer clients may need to be billed hourly. (20:00)
  • Perception of lawyer or a doctor is that their time is valuable, so they respect that.  In the marketing world, our time isn’t as valued in the same manner unless you’re an expert in your field. (21:00)
  • Rich Snippets relates to the semantic markup language (schema.org) (22:20)
  • Jason shared office space with people working with similar products, and notified them that richsnippet’s.com was available but they passed on the domain so Jason bought the domain (24:00)
  • Examples of semantic markup and how rich snippets are given is star ratings, knowledge graph, author images on blog posts in the search, etc… (24:40)
  • Structured Markup defined (25:30)
  • Extra information is called a rich snippet (26:30)
  • Bing has “rich captions” (27:40)
  • It’s a SEO-related item but also related to development (Markup language) (28:00)
  • WordPress and other CMS are starting to incorporate it but helps to have a specialist (29:00)
  • Google has to choose whether or not to show it (29:30)
  • Just because it doesn’t show the search results, doesn’t mean it’s not reading it. (30:00)
  • Code has to be in-line visible (31:00)
  • Days of doing what you need to do are over, start following guidelines and you’ll be more successful. (33:00)
  • Mobile is a necessity for eCommerce sites.  (33:50)
  • Kreidman.com, Richsnippets.com, to get a hold of Kreidman. (34:00)



017: RichSnippets.com Founder Jason Kreidman Discusses Semantic Markup (Schema) was first posted on February 27, 2014 at 4:20 am.
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