Owning Your Own

Owning Your Own

012: Interview with Daryl Urbanski (Bestselling Author, Coach and Entrepreneur)

February 19, 2014

Daryl Urbanski is a #1 bestselling author, business coach and entrepreneur who is truly Owning His Own!  We dedicate this entire episode to an knowledge-packed interview with him.

Send questions, comments, suggestions or love to podcast@owningyourown.com

Episode 012 Nugs of Knowledge

  • Daryl is part of a mastermind group Andrew is a part of (3:00)
  • Daryl is a #1 Best Selling author, martial artist and marketer; true renaissance man. (3:25)
  • Marketing on some level is spam. You have to interrupt someone and introduce yourself.  (6:00)
  • Hitchhiking when your 6’4″ and a broke martial artist is a relatively safe endeavor (7:30)
  • Earthship.org - Garden and water conserved housing. (8:00)
  • Trained and traveled in Japan (12:00)
  • Seven Seas Consulting – A training that opened the eyes and shook up the norm (14:00)
  • After not getting the job, Daryl wrote an e-card to the hiring manager at Seven Seas for 10 months until he got an audience (15:00)
  • Daryl started a martial arts school in a small niche community but grew within ; local domination (15:50)
  • After making a decision of wanting to go back to Japan, he sold 10k trips to Japan which paid for travel costs (17:09)
  • Here’s what I got, here’s what it will do for you, here’s what it will do next if you want to get involved. (20:40)
  • Manipulation tactics is not the way to go…find people that WANT what you are selling. (21:30)
  • Uncle was a property manager and was a positive influence…like a non-mobster Godfather. (23:00)
  • Hang out with people that are doing what you want to do and how long have you been doing what you have to be doing?  Be around people that will push your competitive edge (25:30)
  • Be good at what you’re doing rather than too much of a jack of all trades. (27:00)
  • B2B was a viable option not previously pursued (28:30)
  • Blank Units x Blank Price = 1 Million Dollars (29:40)
  • Target a niche can end up being very lucrative in the bigger picture (31:00)
  • Daryl wrote 3 books on marketing specializing in different interests (32:30)
  • Catch 22 of marketing is selling people what they want, not necessarily what they need (35:00)
  • Japanese for Busy People - Inspiration (36:ish)
  • Took books off paid list and put on free list to find niche and not have to compete to heavily with people that owned the #1 spot in paid (37:30)
  • Walk upstream and out why the people are in the water (39:10)
  • VA’s = Virtual Assistants; find those that are high rated if possible. (41:10)
  • Daryl’s book hit #1 for Marketing and Sales on Amazon. (42:00)
  • Time management is a big obstacle for many broad thinkers.  If you want to make 300 dollars an hour you can’t be doing 10 dollar an hour work (43:40)
  • Don’t expect people to change (46:30)
  • Pay what it takes to get an expert to do it (48:30)
  • How would you handle 10,000 “x” (49:00)
  • The whole point of business is to scale, the black box is the fulfillment of what your promise is.  If the results are of value, you need to get as many people as possible through that system…scalability through that black box is CRUCIAL (49:15)
  • GO GET IT!!! (52:30)


012: Interview with Daryl Urbanski (Bestselling Author, Coach and Entrepreneur) was first posted on February 19, 2014 at 4:20 am.
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