The Over Indulgence Podcast

The Over Indulgence Podcast

The Over Indulgence Podcast Episode 018 – Thanks Obama

November 19, 2014

After the massive extravaganza that was PAX we're happy to be settled in back home and well rested enough to get together and pump out a podcast. With that in mind, we have decided to bring in Alex (Griff's housemate) who has been hounding us for months to be able to join us for an episode. As Beaves was unavailable we figured stuff it, why not? Also, due to the city being closed for G20... Thanks Obama...
The primary point of discussion seemed to centre around both the abortion that seems to be Assassins Creed: Unity as well as Ubisoft and their practices in general. Whilst this was topical to begin with, it quickly degenerated into talk of /r/ScaryBilbo (NSFW) as well as Fleshlight. All in all, for a quick get together with no real organisation, I think it turned out pretty well.
Remember to check out and sign up to the Dollar Shave Club service, remember we have a promotional code (SHAVEMYBACK) that will get you your third month free! It's an awesome service and my face thanks me for doing it. Also if you like what you hear please make sure to head over to our Stitcher channel and subscribe! Or hit up our iTunes subscription too. Every little bit counts!
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