Star Wars: Order 66 Toys - Sons of the Order

Star Wars: Order 66 Toys - Sons of the Order

Latest Episodes

SOTO Episode 012 - The Road to Anaheim
March 27, 2015

Celebration VII here we come! We talk about preparations for the big event and the wrong way to get an autograph from Mark Hamill.

SOTO Episode 011 - Identify Youself!
March 20, 2015

You could call this a prequel episode if you want! We go around the table and talk a little more about our backgrounds and how we joined the Sons of the Order.

SOTO Episode 010 - Who Would You Want to Meet?
March 03, 2015

In decidedly the most non-Star Wars related episode so far, we talk about who we would like to meet. Note: this episode was recorded on 2.26.15, the day before Leonard Nimoy's unfortunate passing.

SOTO Episode 009 - Hives of Scum and Villainy
February 28, 2015

What's it like going to conventions and toy shows these days? Is it worth it?

SOTO Episode 008 - What Makes a Figure Valuable, or Ever Since the XP-38 Came Out, They Just Aren’t In Demand! pt. 2
February 24, 2015

More on what can make an item valuable, and did Chuck just admit to styling the hair on his Leia doll?

SOTO Episode 007 - What Makes a Figure Valuable, or Ever Since the XP-38 Came Out, They Just Aren’t In Demand! pt. 1
February 19, 2015

Ever wonder why trying to sell some figures is like try to use Republic credits at Watto's shop? Will this set of Star Wars shot glasses I bought last week be worth anything 20 years from now?

SOTO Episode 006 - Vlix Showdown?
February 15, 2015

In this episode we go deeper into the current state of Star Wars figure collecting, as well as a super rare figure double whammy.

SOTO Episode 005 - Still Feeling the Force?
February 15, 2015

Should we be excited about "The Force Awakens"?

SOTO Episode 004 - Boba Fett? Where?
February 15, 2015

We try to figure out who our favorite characters are, and some wookie fur gets ruffled when we talk about our LEAST favorite Star Wars movies.

SOTO Episode 003 - These ARE the Toys You’re Looking For!
February 15, 2015

An awesome set of carded vintage figures arrives at the shop, and we talk about our favorite Star Wars movies.
