Tales From The Orbis Aetherum

Tales From The Orbis Aetherum

e027: Season 1 Bonus Episode

April 29, 2016

Season 1 Bonus Episode:
Of Swordmasters, Conjurers, Commanders, and Flashbacks

Season 1 wrapped up, but while writing the novel adaptation of it (more details on that to come), I added something I forgot to put to audio: the first meeting between Lucia Wolfe, Rhea Wilhelm, and... Commander Altair of the Lighthouse? So here's a bonus episode. Enjoy!


The Orbis Aetherum is the metaphysical dimension housing all creation. The humans of the Orbis lead storied lives filled with profound joy, deep sorrow, and amazing adventure. These are their tales.


YouTube playlist:

Details about upcoming changes:

This week's shoutout:
Brave Earth: Prologue, a cool, retro-style Castlevania-esque platformer by Kayin. Recently greenlit on Steam!
Kayin's website: http://kayin.moe/

I have a tip jar! Completely optional, but if interested, it's at https://www.patreon.com/axelhander.
