

Latest Episodes

1 Simple Step to Begin Cultivating Self-Awareness
August 06, 2020

In this episode, I share with you a simple practice that I used to begin increasing my self-awareness. Self-awareness has proven to be an invaluable tool that has helped me make incredible progress in the last several years.

January 28, 2020

Taking control of my mindset is one of the most impactful things I've ever done. In this episode, I'm talking about a few different mindsets and how they affect all aspects of your life.

A brief explanation of identity
January 21, 2020

In this episode I’m talking a little about identity and what it means to me and how to understand your own.

Selling isn’t bad! Let’s reframe you’re perspective on selling
January 02, 2020

I’m rebooting the podcast in the new year. In this first episode, I’m talking about the journey that I’ve been on reconciling my old mindset about sales with what I know to be true about selling.

Ep. 012: Do you even MASTERMIND Bro?
April 19, 2019

In this episode I'm talking about the new wave of learning that I believe will be the dominant method in the next 5 years or so. I'm talking about Masterminds and the power of self education.  I also talk about an incredible new course and tool that

Ep. 011: How to BLOCK OUT negative self-talk...
April 11, 2019

If you struggle with negative self talk, you NEED watch this! There is a naturally occurring design within our brains that I will teach you how to leverage for your own intentional personal growth. The Tim Hawkins Alternative Cuss Words I mentioned -- &n

Ep. 010: Breaking Bad...
April 08, 2019

...habits that is. In this episode, I go into why and how beliefs drive behavior and how to use that to your advantage. You have your very own bouncer working the door to your conscious awareness. It's time to start manage his guest list more intentionall

Ep. 009: The Power of Belief
March 26, 2019

We have more power than we think in controlling our lives. In this episode, I'll talk about swimming, diving, The Matrix, and even Dumbo to help illustrate the point about how powerful our beliefs are. 

Ep. 008: Clarifying My Purpose
March 18, 2019

In this episode, I am sharing the results of some deep thinking that I have been doing around WHO I am designed to serve.

Ep. 007: The 5 Systems - Spiritual
February 25, 2019

We were all designed to add value to the world in a particular way. The Spiritual System is all about how you show up to do just that. Truth is truth...even if you don't like the way it was presented or who presented it or the circumstances by which you d
