Custom Mobile, Web, and Online Marketing Services – Open Source Marketer

Custom Mobile, Web, and Online Marketing Services – Open Source Marketer

Secure Content Sharing from Anywhere with SHODOGG CEO, Herb Mitschele

April 28, 2014

Wouldn’t it be great if you could give a presentation on multiple screens in different locations around the world without even loading the presentation on your computer or your customers computer? Well today’s guest is going to show you how you can do that plus a whole lot more. Listen in as SHODOGG CEO, Herb Mitschele demonstrates how easy it is for someone to connect to their service, without downloading or installing anything, where you can then remotely push content to the viewer on the other end. The amazing part is that you can jump around from Amazon Web Servies, to Dropbox, to YouTube with just the touch of your mobile phone and the viewer sees what you want them to. No files are left on the viewers device and you can customize what they can see and what they can control. The technology is truly amazing.

Check out SHODOGG and see for yourself just how awesome it is. If you’re a developer, integrate the SHODOGG API into your next project.

Have questions?  Let’s talk about them in the comments below.

Thanks for watching, listening, rating and subscribing.

Charles McKeever

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