ESO-RP An Elder Scrolls Podcast

ESO-RP An Elder Scrolls Podcast

ESO-RP EP 35 Special Cohost\Guest TheHumanFloyd along with Ma1function EP RP!!

March 11, 2015

Special Guest:

    Thehumanfloyd and Ma1function

  • tell us about yourself

    • How did you get into elder scrolls and ESO?

    • Tell us about your rp.

    • Tell us about the Black Marsh rp community and what you guys have been up to.

    • Any exciting plots/storylines you’re in now?

  • what are your plans for the future?

    • Any future projects you’re doing?

2.       Game/Community News

  • Loremaster's Archive

  • Thoughts on Update 6 now that it’s out?

    • How has update 6 affected your roleplay?


3.      RP Event News


  • [NA-EP] Practical Thaumaturgy at Shad Astula - March 14th, at 2pm PDT

  • [NA-AD] By Fading Starlight Pt. 2 - Saturday March 14th at 6pm GMT -4 - News of the horrifying misdeeds committed by High Adept Tansil has spread like wildfire through the Dominion. A mysterious party requests the presence of those involved in solving the Reliquary mystery.

  • [NA - EP] Recapturing Illiath Temple - Sunday March 15th at 8pm

  • other weekly stuff too


4.       Lore

  • Black Marsh and Argonian lore.



RP Discussion Topic

  • Argonian RP    

    • Black Marsh’s current storylines and their effects on the community in the EP

    • The Nords, Argonians, and Dunmer all  have different kinds of rp. Why?

  • The differences between the factions when it comes to RP

  • AD’s new direction for RP (Maybe)


6.       Personal Story Time

  • What happened with you RPwise this week?

  • Any cool things happen in game for you?


8.       Rumors


Rumor has it that the Muckwater Tavern south on the coast near The Gray Mire is almost finished. Construction has been going on for months as interested parties have sent supplies and funds to The Gray Mire settlement. Seeing the argonian refugees work with native bosmer, khajiit, wood orc laborers and displaced humans from Southpoint has given many the faith in The Dominion it needs. Whether this faith is well-placed is yet to be seen. The project has hit many roadblocks, from Thalmor investigation and intervention to giant snakes devouring two of the workers. Once completed, the tavern, in it's place on Grahtwood's southern coast, will be a safe haven for outsiders of all races, faiths and origins. Primarily built on land, but surrounded by a semi-circle of docks, it will cater heavily to the seafaring sort, being an alternative port to the heavily guarded harbor of Haven.


It's also said that multiple argonians in the Mire, such as Croaks-With-Toads, have been raising and training guar for some time now. Croaks-With-Toads assures prospective riders that his fast and sturdy creatures will make excellent mounts once their training is complete, however many of them still display some less than desirable traits-... Aggression, daftness, laziness, and a tendency toward mischief and loud noises have been noted in some so far.



The mysterious chants, dead brown patches of swamp, and shadowy figures have disappeared from Shadowfen. No one has reported any further strange activity in the Marshes related to these odd events. What ever happened has been put to rest by unknown entities.


Alten Corimont has also gained a bit of life recently, as there seem to be merchants, traders, and sailors back in the Port. Rumors of Captain Selique Lasra having lived there for the past few months have been confirmed, as a few people witnessed her selling wears to passing Saxhleel.



The Reach invasion of Northpoint was sucessfully repealed by a combination of forces. There were a few injuries and deaths among the defenders and the stolen ship was completely lost when Solinar ignited the kindlepitch that had been stashed aboard the ship. None of the Reach survived.

