Outwit. Outplay. Outcast.

Outwit. Outplay. Outcast.

Latest Episodes

S44E10: Turkey
May 08, 2023

We bowl a second turkey this season and, should it become a hambone, its game over for Nicks fantasy hopes. To top it off, the Blackhawks won the draft lottery so whats even the point of anything a

S44E09: Not the Worst
May 01, 2023

I just realized that Not the Worst might indicate that we didnt like the episode or the seasonfar from it! Were saying one of the villains is not the worst! But the file is already exported and t

S44E08: Don’t Give Up Carolyn
April 25, 2023

Boy-howdy was this episode cursed But despite corrupt files and computers crashing we managed to get it up before episode 9 aired! Anyway its a three-tribe knife fight now that the merge is well and

S44E07: Papaya Immunity
April 17, 2023

Nick is in the happiest place on earth while we watch one of our favorites get done dirty with the bad luck baton. We talk about whether the twist was fair, how much the advantage sucked for Heidi

S44E06: Carolyn Kane
April 10, 2023

Andy is down with Ms Rona, so its Nick and Brian to create a new fantasy ship like cool kids are wont to do.

S44E05 Don’t Climb Rocks
April 03, 2023

Look. If youre going to play an extremely physically demanding game, dont go looking for trouble because its going to find you whether you look for it or not. And if you DO go climbing rocks, maybe

S44E04: Who’s Blue?
March 27, 2023

SOMEONE doesnt even know the colors of the tribes this season, tsk, tsk, tsk

S44E03: Best Chance to Win
March 20, 2023

Not win the whole game, but to win the immunity challenge, we mean. Claire has been digging her grave and her only choice, in this episode, is to continue digging and hope that her tribe wins. When th

S44E02: Incognito
March 13, 2023

Guess who saw an old movie recently? Once story time is over, we break down the episode faster than Matthew broke down that snakeball puzzle and ask ourselves: Whats the internet so mad about this we

S44E01: Mystery Box
March 06, 2023

Season 44 starts with a bang and were immediately treated to a tantalizing mystery bag that could be anything but, because this is Survivor, is actually pretty obviously one thing. Two players are el
