On Landscape - Passing Through

On Landscape - Passing Through

Latest Episodes

Lockdown Podcast #12
March 21, 2021

The weather is a continual topic of conversation for many living in the British Isles, and for landscape photographers, it becomes something of an obsession. Trying to predict the perfect combination of factors that will give a cloud inversion or a mis...

Lockdown Podcast #11
January 29, 2021

After featuring two articles on tripods recently, a review of travel tripods and a short overview of tripod spikes, I thought a general chat with Joe and David about their own experiences with tripods would make interesting listening

Lockdown Podcast #10
January 04, 2021

Just before the New Year, Joe David and I recorded a podcast on the concept of "Truth to Nature". It's an idea that has its seeds in the romantic era of landscape painting when John Ruskin, a massively influential art critic and artist of the time,

Lockdown Podcast #9
December 14, 2020

We return to the Lockdown Podcasts and in this instalment, Joe Cornish, David Ward and I discuss 'field practice'. By this I mean the way in which we go about finding images, what motivates us to go on a walk,

Lockdown Podcast #8
July 25, 2020

A short podcast this time as a few of you groaned at the amount of time you had to listen to us waffle for so this issue it's a thirty-minute dip into three topics.

Lockdown Podcast #7
June 29, 2020

This issues podcast's topic is books and specifically, Joe and David's experiences making their first ones.

Joe Cornish and Tim Parkin discuss Robert Adams and Beauty
June 10, 2020

The concept of beauty often seems to be a dirty word to those photographers from a contemporary/academic background. The use of beauty is considered too bright a light to be seen direct for fear y

Lockdown Podcast #6
May 28, 2020

Another instalment of the lockdown podcast where Tim Parkin, Joe Cornish and David Ward discuss a few questions around photography including "How is the easing of lockdown affecting you?", "How do you make the most of a photography workshop?" ..

Lockdown Podcast #5
May 11, 2020

Joe Cornish, Tim Parkin and David Ward talk about learning and teaching composition

Lockdown Podcast #4
May 01, 2020

Finishing off the reader submitted questions and a reminder of the lockdown photo challenge
