On the Ground w Esther Iverem

On the Ground w Esther Iverem

Latest Episodes

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR NOVEMBER 17, 2023: With 12,000 Killed and Gaza’s Largest Hospital Attacked by the IDF, Calls Grow for a Ceasefire… Plus, the F-Word on Fascism
November 17, 2023

With more than 12,000 Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks and Gaza's largest hospital raided by the IDF, the international call for a ceasefire grows louder. Also, in this month's episode of the F-

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR NOVEMBER 10, 2023: Coverage of the Historic National March on Washington to Free Palestine… Protesters Call Biden ‘Genocide Joe’… Seek Accountability For 10,000 Murdered in Gaza  
November 10, 2023

On this show: the largest demonstration in U.S. history in support of the Palestinian people brought 300,000 people to Freedom Plaza. They demanded an end to Israel's genocidal bombing and siege of Ga

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR NOVEMBER 3, 2023: As Israel Intensifies Genocidal Campaign in Gaza, Thousands Converge in DC for Historic National March to Free Palestine… And More…
November 03, 2023

As Israel intensifies its genocidal campaign on the people of Gaza, tens of thousands are converging in Washington, DC for an historic National March on Washington to Free Palestine. And during the sa

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR OCTOBER 27, 2023: Miko Peled on Genocide and Resistance Palestine… Gerald Horne on the Far-Right Takeover of the House and More… Plus  BONUS CONTENT: Is Israel Planning to use Sarin in Gaza?
October 28, 2023

As Israel commits a horrific genocide in Gaza, more and more U.S. lawmakers want to make it illegal to tell the truth about the murders, or about 75 years of occupation and displacement. And as we re

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR OCTOBER 20, 2023: Rallying Against Genocide in Gaza… Gerald Horne on a Wider Middle East War… Susan Abulhawa Protests in Philadelphia… Plus Headlines WITH BONUS EPILOGUE
October 20, 2023

Despite the complicity of elites, elected officials and corporate news organizations, tens of thousands in the US and millions around the the world refuse to turn away from the genocidal attack on Pal

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR OCTOBER 13, 2023: Standing With Palestine…Gerald Horne With Two News Books:… I Dare Say… Acknowledging Radical Histories…BONUS EPILOGUE
October 13, 2023

The governments of the United States and Europe support--with words and weapons--genocide against Gaza. But people all over the earth say, We Stand with Palestine. And two new books by the historian,

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR OCTOBER 6, 2023: Cornel West Speaks on Peace in Ukraine… Protesters Denounce Attack on Cuban Embassy in DC… Connecting the Dots of U.S. Imperialism 
October 06, 2023

U.S. presidential candidate Cornel West speaks in DC about the urgency of pursuing peace in Ukraine and about the urgency of opposing U.S imperialism. Also, one day after two molotov cocktails were th

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR SEPTEMBER 29, 2023: Canada’s Standing Ovation For a Nazi… African Sahel Speaks Out at U.N… Plus Headlines: The Gov. Shutdown, UAW and More…
September 29, 2023

A standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament for an aging Ukrainian Nazi lays bare the truth about the migration of scores of Nazis into Canada and the United States after World War II. And at the Un

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR SEPTEMBER 22, 2023: Enough is Enough!… Australian MPs in DC Call for Julian Assange’s Freedom… World Meetings Further Sign That the U.S. Unipolar Moment is Over… Plus Headlines  
September 22, 2023

Members of the Australian Parliament speak in DC to call for release of imprisoned publisher Julian Assange... Portion of speech by Colombian President Gustavo Petro at UN... Gerald Horne: world meeti

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 – The F-Word: The AFL-CIO Role in Supporting Fascists in Chile 50 Years Ago… Protesters Rally Outside AFL-CIO HQ on Sept. 11… Plus Headlines 
September 15, 2023

For this episode of the F-word on fascism, organizers remember the role of the AFL-CIO in ushering in Chile's fascist Pinochet regime, which murdered, disappeared and tortured thousands of people, in
