On the Ground with Samaritan's Purse

On the Ground with Samaritan's Purse

The Headlines: Samaritan’s Purse Sends Emergency Field Hospital to Ukraine

March 07, 2022

On March 4, Samaritan’s Purse airlifted an Emergency Field Hospital and a Disaster Assistance Response Team on our DC-8 cargo plane to bring relief in the midst of the Ukraine crisis.


Apply now to serve on the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) in response to the crisis in Ukraine.

Give now to the Samaritan’s Purse response to provide help for the growing needs in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

Listen to our latest episode to hear behind-the-scenes updates as the ministry prepared to respond to the Ukraine crisis.

Steps to Peace with God

Show Notes

On Friday morning, March 4, Samaritan’s Purse sent a team of disaster response specialists and an Emergency Field Hospital to provide critical medical relief during the crisis in Ukraine.

Our podcast team was on the ground in Greensboro, North Carolina, to see the airlift and hear from Samaritan’s Purse leadership. Kristy Graham first spoke with Dave Philips, a deputy director for international projects, to hear more about the ministry’s hope for this response.

“In the midst of so much darkness in the middle of the situation, we’re sending the DC-8 to help people in need,” Dave told Kristy. “We see this as a light of Christ, and we’re taking medical supplies and flying it right to the border in Poland to help people in Jesus’ Name.”

Kristy also sat down with Dr. Elliott Tenpenny, the director of the Samaritan’s Purse international health unit and John Freyler, a member care chaplain, to hear how the ministry is preparing both physically and spiritually for the needs on the ground. Samaritan’s Purse is uniquely positioned to respond in Jesus’ Name to the crisis, and the ministry is praying that God would bring peace in the midst of this conflict.

The episode closes with Edward Graham, the vice president of operations, as he gives remarks at the press conference minutes before the plane departed for Poland.

“We do this not for humanitarian reasons. We don’t do this because it’s a good thing or even the right thing, but we go because Scripture tells us to,” Edward shared. “We don’t want to pass by anyone hurting. These resources are not ours; these are God’s resources and He expects us to share the good news with this broken world.”

Please be praying for the families in Ukraine and for our teams on the ground. Pray for peace and comfort in the midst of this crisis. If you’d like to keep up to date with more stories on the ground, please visit our website at SamaritansPurse.org.



