Overcome Online Overwhelm

Overcome Online Overwhelm

Episode 99: Elaine Lindsay shares her best Apps for Productivity

December 17, 2014

Elaine Lindsay shares her best Apps for Productivity

Laura: Elaine, will you please share three apps that you actually have on either your phone or your iPad, and how it is that they help you to be or stay productive every single day?


Elaine: OK, the first thing that I have that I think everybody should have is an alarm with a timer. I can’t remember off the top of my head who is the proponent of this, but doing things in 9-minute increments can be really, really productive. I started about 1.5 year ago, and I have to look up who came up with this, but 9 minutes of productivity over a day can really add up, and having your phone handy, and setting those alarms all the time, and setting timers when you’re doing, say, email or something else that’s a little more by rote is absolutely key.


The second thing I have is actually an app that works with my fitness club. I go off to my fitness club at 20 after 5 in the morning, and it’s a really, really busy place. It’s a single studio of a – It’s called bar fitness – so you have to book your appointments ahead of time. And having that app makes sure that one, I always have a space in my class, and I always know if there’s a change or if the class has been moved, or you know, the odd time the class is canceled. That’s really handy.


The last and the one I would have to say I use the most over everything is, of course, the Hangout app. Hangouts are… As a Google Plus evangelist, Hangouts are my passion. I absolutely love to be in Hangouts. I am in at least one every day and I Hangout from both my phone, my iPad, the laptop, and my desktop computer. It’s really useful and it’s great for checking in with your clients.


When you’re doing a long-term coaching with clients, it’s really nice to be able to be on the road. You might have, you know, taken in a talk or been in a networking event and thought up something that would be great for your client. Having that Hangout app handy means I can check in face to face with my client, give them the information that I want them to take in or have them fare with someone else, and it’s there, it’s done, and it makes my day pretty easy.


Laura: It’s interesting to hear the three that you brought up because the first one was the timer which is all about productivity.


Elaine: Yup.


Laura: The second one is an exercise app which is all about staying healthy and focusing on your fitness which is such an important part of being able to have a clear mind so that you can be as productive as possible…


Elaine: Uh-huh.


Laura: And the third one was what you do for a living in and of itself. Google Hangout.


Elaine: Absolutely.


Laura: So such a great combination and thank you so much for sharing that with all of our listeners today.

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