The Unconstrained Podcast

The Unconstrained Podcast

Latest Episodes

EP241 - Affordable home security and surveillance
April 28, 2024

This was a request from one of our Patreon subscribers who asked, ‘Can you talk about home security and camera for home monitoring if you have experience with them’.  So here’s the answer to how I app

EP240 - I'm done
April 21, 2024

After 5 years of doing this podcast, and other podcasts for my patrons, Ive decided to stop doing it, and will be stopping on episode 250. Why? Well take a listen and Ill explain it all.

EP239 - The current state of AI
April 14, 2024

This episode attempts to give a state of the union in regards to AI, where we are, where we are going and the social and freedom impacts of this massive change we are all going to be faced with in the

EP238 - Civil War
April 07, 2024

In 2024, at the recent SXSW convention in Austin, Texas, a movie was premiered that will be airing in April, called Civil War by Alex Garland. Theres been a lot of post-apocalyptic movies and TV s

EP237 - The consolidation
March 31, 2024

Over the past 10 or so years, Ive been noticing the divide between rich & poor is changing. After the 2008 GFC, the Occupy Wall Street movement protested against the 1% owners of the world, at the

EP236 - How a Mexican built her real estate portfolio from nothing
March 24, 2024

My wife & I were at a friends place in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico a few weeks back, and we were chaJng with a local Mexican lady who has built up a small fortune in real estate. When I asked her h

EP235 - BRICS+
March 17, 2024

While you are sleeping, theres a risk to your enIre wealth and you probably never saw it looming. Your media never talked about it, most of those that are at least aware of it dismissed it as silline

EP234 - The generational differences in attitude to retiring early
March 10, 2024

Age brings wisdom. Age also loses flexibility in so many ways. Things dont stand still and one must adjust to the universe because it wont adjust to you. Having said that, I think that the attitu

EP233 - Handwriting and why it matters
March 03, 2024

On a recent news story in Arizona, I was amused to see two news anchors (one an older gentleman and one younger lady) talking about a new AI infused technology that created handwriting of a person by

EP232 - Ozempic
February 25, 2024

The advancement in technology brings a lot of fear, uncertainty & doubt to us. And recently one such invention appears to be doing this GLP-1 inhibitors, used for diabetes but discovered to have mas
