Ocean Rock Wellness

Ocean Rock Wellness

PODCAST: Behind the Scenes Journey through a Rapid Transformation

April 30, 2018

In this podcast we get deep into our newest member’s modality and specialty – Rapid Transformational Therapy with Rolisa Camille, the only RTT Therapist and Coach in Bermuda. The team has received many questions, such as: What is RTT? How does it work? What does it feel like? and What makes it so transformative? So we took this opportunity to answer some of those questions, with a very cool twist, through the vantage point of someone who has experienced a session – our own Beth Hollis. Beth gets real about her session on wealth and abundance, sharing details about her unique experience. She also gives powerful advice about what  you can expect to experience as well.  We also dispel some of the common myths about hypnosis and explain what makes this therapy so transformative. We know RTT is taking the world by storm as it transforms and heals people’s lives! You won’t want to miss this if you are considering having an RTT session or if you want to finally let go of old, limiting beliefs and start to live the life you truly desire!! Enjoy
