Nutrition History (From Parts Unknown)

Nutrition History (From Parts Unknown)

Latest Episodes

The History of Beriberi
March 02, 2021

This is the story of beriberi. For more than 1500 years, beriberi was known as poison wind affliction, a sickness produced by chronic exposure todamp winds.In reality, beriberi is caused by the abse

Sugar: Superfood of Medieval Times
December 06, 2020

In Episode 13 of Nutrition History from Parts Unknown, we're talking on sugar, the unlikely superfood of medieval times.We'll be tracing the emergence of sugar in fine medieval cuisine and discussin

Medieval Plague Regimens for Bubo-Free Living Pt. 2
September 26, 2020

In Episode 12 of Nutrition History from Parts Unknown, we're continuing where we left off in Episode 11, talking on the 14th century medical community's response to the Black Death of 1347-51. This response was most exhaustively detailed in a genre of...

Medieval Plague Regimens for Bubo-Free Living Pt. 1
September 26, 2020

In Episode 11 of Nutrition History from Parts Unknown, we're talking the 14th century medical community's response to the Black Death of 1347-51. This response was most exhaustively detailed in a genre of literature known as 'Plague Regimen'. These...

Medieval Plague Regimens for Bubo-Free Living Pt. 1
August 26, 2020

In Episode 11 of Nutrition History from Parts Unknown, we're talking the 14th century medical community's response to the Black Death of 1347-51. This response was most exhaustively detailed in a genre of literature known as 'Plague Regimen'. These...

The Early Days of Protein Science
June 10, 2020

On Episode 10 of Nutrition History from Parts Unknown, were dishing out three stories on the early history of protein and its role in the nutritional sciences of the 19th century. The first of these

The Asian and American Ginseng Histories
April 05, 2020

In episode 9 of Nutrition History from Parts Unknown,we are talking about one of the oldest and most renowned herbal medicine in the history of the worldginseng.Ginseng has a history spanning thous

Vegetable Eating in the Middle Ages: Pt.2
February 11, 2020

In Pt.2 ofVegetable Eating in the Middle Ages,we'll discuss the broadening of the medieval European vegetable resume with additions from the Arabic World and the Americas, the rediscovery of horticu

Vegetable Eating in the Middle Ages: Pt.1
December 15, 2019

In Pt.1 of Vegetable Eating in the Middle Ages, we're tracing the history of vegetable consumption in Medieval Europe following the Fall of Rome.  We'll cover the actual eating of vegetables across the three orders of medieval...

The History of Pellagra
October 27, 2019

In episode 6 of Nutrition History from Parts Unknown,we aretracing the origins and history of the disease of nutritional deficiency known as pellagra, a disease which claimed over 100,000 American l
