Latest Episodes

NUKU Tōku Reo // WHA
November 05, 2022

In this episode we catch up with TiffanyWitehira and Aroha Harris. We talk about the challenges of language learning, the realities of juggling kura with parenting and mahi, we celebrate the achievements and talk about what lies ahead.

NUKU Tōku Reo // TORU
November 05, 2022

In this episode wecatch up with Chelsea Winstanley and Leonie Kapea Hayden to discuss our rmaki reo journey, safe reo speaking places, anxiety about leaving an immersive environment, expectation Vs reality, and our diverse experiences throughout the yea

NUKU Tōku Reo // RUA
April 17, 2022

In episode two we speak to filmmaker Chelsea Winstanley and Journalist Leonie Hayden about language learning feeling like we're all in kohanga reo, and how that realisation creates safe to fail spaces in the language reclamation journey. We discuss the go

NUKU Tōku Reo // TAHI
March 21, 2022

We speak with Mori Midwife Camille Harris and fragrance developer Tiffany Witehira who are both at the beginning of their year-long total immersion Mori language course.  The pair share the stories behind their desire to reclaim te reo, share their

//100 Karen Matata
December 07, 2021

Kia ora e te whnau. Today is a very special day, we celebrate NUKU //100! Through this series we have met and interviewed whine right across the motu - the matauranga holders, the frontliners, the carers, the whale whisperers, the teachers, the re

//099 Dr Acushla Dee Sciascia
November 29, 2021

Meet NUKU //099 Dr Acushla Dee Sciascia (Ngruahine Rangi, Ngti Ruanui, Te tiawa) This incredible wahine is a business woman representing Indigenous perspectives and narratives in research, evaluation and strategy development. Her studies found he

//098 Kurahapainga Te Ua
November 22, 2021

Kurahapainga (Te Rarawa, Te Aupuri, Te Aitanga-a-Mhaki, Te Whakathea, Ngi Thoe, Te Whnau--Apanui) is the founder and artistic director of Hawaiki T, a Mori performance company specialising in kapa haka and haka theatre. She is also a member of th

//097 Te Raina Atareta Ferris
November 15, 2021

Te Raina (Ngti Kahungunu, Ngti Raukawa, Ngti Mmoe, Ki Tahu, Italy) runs education programmes about Mori culture from her whare wnanga, Kurawaka.Based in Prangahau, she teaches whine to find their karanga voice, teaching the foundations of k

//095 Geneva Harrison + //096 Mihi Tibble
November 09, 2021

We have a special double episode for you. NUKU 095 and 096 are Geneva Harrison (Ngti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Te Aupuri) and Mihi Tibble (Ngti Mkino, Ngti Whakahemo, Ngti Rangiwewehi, Ngti Pikiao, Ngti Whakaue, Whnau a Hinerupe, Rakairoa, Te Whnau a Kar

//094 Dame Hinewehi Mohi
November 08, 2021

Dame Hinewehi Mohi (Ngti Kahungunu, Ngi Thoe) has been iconic in the development of puoro Mori for the past 30 years.In 1999, she released her Oceania album and made history singing the national anthem in te reo Mori. Today, she is championing a bil
