Novel Marketing

Novel Marketing

Marketing 101: Place

March 20, 2024

You’ve heard me talk about the Five Ps of Marketing, and in this week’s episode, we tackle the third P: Place. In other words, where should you sell your book?
Many authors struggle to find the right place to sell their books. Whether you're an indie or traditional author, you must discover the best places to sell.
So, how can you unlock the power of place for your book?
In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why the location where you sell your book is important and powerful
  • Three case studies on authors who have maximized sales in the right places
  • Online and offline places where you can sell your book

Selling your book in the right place is important for connecting with the right readers and making sales. Listen in or check out the blog post to find out how place impacts your book sales.

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