Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

Italian Dumplings LIVE! EP 256

June 16, 2023

During the pandemic, Natalia and I did several Facebook Live Cook Alongs. They were fun for us and I think they were fun for you. But let's be was totally amateur hour. Now at some level, that's fun. Natalia was taping me while drinking and drinking and trying to answer questions. Then there would be the occasional change in camera position and I would end up on the ceiling for most of the cook along. Again, the pandemic brought on weird times and there was a lot that you guys could tolerate for the comedy if for no other reason. But now, let's get back to reality. We want to give you a professional product (or as close as is possible for the two of us) so we've got our fearless leader and director, Andy, in charge of the production and you get to see both of us. So LIVE Cook Alongs are back!

This is all to lead up to our next and really inaugural LIVE virtual cook along coming up next Thursday, June 22 from 6 to 8pm. Natalia and I had quite a discussion about whether it was in two weeks or one week (we're usually in the Twilight Zone so there you go). But it is next week. We'll be showing you how to make Italian Dumplings also known as gnocchi and gnudi along with a delicious green onion (scallion) sauce.

Check it out on our website, The class is $50 per household which means you can have a gnocchi making party!

In the meantime, listen to today's episode or watch the unedited version on YouTube and see all the stupid s**t we do.

Thanks for listening or watching and please subscribe, rate and review. We appreciate it!
