Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

Why Canned Tomatoes Should Be In Your Pantry

March 31, 2023

What's in your pantry?

Before we knew what the pandemic was, we had planned a tour of the local groceries and farmers markets but COVID had another plan so...we toured our kitchen pantries and actually had a great time.

Since then, actually even before that, I had and have a thing about stocking your pantry so you always have something to eat even when there's nothing to eat. Today's episode is devoted (mainly) to one of those items that I ALWAYS have in my pantry - Canned Tomatoes.

We not only tell you all about the different ways you can buy tomatoes but the best canned tomatoes and what's so important about them. How you are going to use them is really key. Are the tomatoes going to be the star of the show or are they simply a supporting character? Important considerations and it will impact how much you're willing to pay per can. In deciding on the "best" canned tomato, you have to think about balance because tomatoes can be overly acidic and then you have to do a lot more work on your dish than you may have originally planned or know how to do. We actually make some suggestions about how to fix the acid!

We have our usual digressions into the world of prank phone calls, sleeping porches and being born in the 1900's. We even take on the fresh vs canned debate.

Lots of fun conversation for you today (and in every episode!).

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