Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

Do You Really Need To Cook That?

March 24, 2023

It's Friday again (we love Fridays) and there's just something about it being Friday including, a new podcast episode and, oh yeah, the weekend!

In today's episode, we take another one of those list-y type articles that everyone loves. This time we're speaking to all you home cooks out there. Like we aren't always talking to you guys!'s topic is 18 Things That Chefs Think You Should Know How To Cook. I love a challenge and we're taking on this dare with almost every podcast now. Debunking, demystifying and generally, throwing shade on all the "shoulds" out there.

So, although I do agree with some of these dishes. A lot of them made us say "what?" and why would you need to know how to cook that?

No spoilers but a couple of the weird bean dip and filetto di pomodoro. On that second one, they could have just said tomato sauce but technically, it's just the meaty part of the tomato.

In any event, here they are...the 18 things you "should" know how to cook and our many opinions about that.

Thanks for listening. Please rate and review wherever you listen to us.

See you next Friday.
