Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

Subtle? Not Us!

March 03, 2023

We love food but we also love WINE! So, we thought we'd mix things up a bit by talking about wine in today's episode.

We never do boring wine. I mean, you've heard about our wine classes, right? The last thing our favorite Somm, Joe Breaux, boring, predictable or stuffy. Nope. Our last class was titled The Art of Subtlety and he is none of that (at least not right now) but we tasted some fun and not so fun wines. They're always great choices but our mantra is "drink what you like" and you are entitled to your opinion. You don't have to always be looking to Robert Parker or the Wine Spectator for ratings. You might agree with them but then again you might not.

Then move into "bargain" wines even in these days of inflation. But bargain to one person may not be a bargain to's like one person's trash is another one's treasure or pick your poison or, well, I'll stop with the sayings now.

Finally, we talk about food pairings with wine or actually we went the other way around. We started with a wine and we talked about what food would go with it. I actually took a sommelier certification class a number of years ago. Yes, I am a certified sommelier. I discovered two things during that class. One, I like to taste wine but I like to drink it a lot more. And, you can't be told, really, how to pair wine and food. There are general "rules" but they're really rules of thumb and I don't take them seriously. The good news is the days of red with meat and white with fish are over. If you like to drink red with fish, go for it!

Thanks for listening and we'll be here next week with more.
