Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

Food Fusion Passion...We Got It EP 258

June 30, 2023

Food fusion, a passe topic for most chefs these days. Like a lot of trends, it has come and gone so of course, we thought it was high time to talk about it.

It was also high time to dig into the archives from our past life and look at where we've been.

In today's episode, we revive underground supper clubs. No one talks about those either or maybe they just call them "pop ups" now? We had the privilege of cooking with Test Kitchen several times. The food child of Jenny Vergara, @jjvergara, a food journalist and foodie in her own right (foodie is a passe term, too?) gave us and many other chefs the opportunity to flex our creative cooking muscles in Test Kitchen. We talk about in detail in the podcast so no details here...see what I did, you have to listen then.

So I found the menu from what I believe was our second seating of Test Kitchen. And it is food fusion at its best. Latin-Asian fusion. We review the entire menu and talk about the thought process.

That exercise brings the passion that I frankly, had forgotten. I admit to being dumbed down because of being creative. I recently heard a great analogy that brings this home...

The market tells you to be vanilla because it thinks it wants vanilla. Then you give them vanilla and they don't like it or want it.

That is often the plight of chefs. We really want to be creative for you but then you want a burger and fries. This is a bittersweet memory of what could have been.

Here's today's episode. I hope you like it, subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts.
