Northwest Bible Church OKC

Northwest Bible Church OKC

Latest Episodes

The Hope of the Resurrection
November 27, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Nov. 27, 2022 Book of Job Alan Conner Job 13-19 The Hope of the Resurrection Intro A. JOBS INITIAL DESIRE FOR RESURRECTION (Job 14). 1. Progressive revelation. 2. Life is

The Rarity of a Thankful Heart
November 20, 2022

Northwest Bible Church NoLuke 17:20, 2022 Thanksgiving Alan Conner Luke 17:11-19 The Rarity of a Thankful heart Intro A. THE HEALING OF THE 10 LEPERS (Luke 17:11-14). 1) 10 lepers - 2) They all

Hope in God
November 06, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Nov. 6, 2022 Book of Job Alan Conner Job 9-13 Hope in God Intro A. JOB RESPONDS TO BILDAD (Job 9-10). 1. No righteousness (Job 9:1-12). 2. No hope (Job 9:13-24). 3. No ump

The Reformation and Missions
October 30, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Oct. 30, 2022 Reformation Day Alan Conner The Reformation and Missions Intro 1. RECOVERY OF THE GOSPEL. a. Rom. 1:17. b. The 5 SOLAS embody the gospel. 2. REVIVAL OF THEOL

Is God Unjust?
October 23, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Oct. 23, 2022 Book of Job Alan Conner Job 6-8 Is God unjust? Intro A. JOBS ANSWER TO HIS FRIENDS (ch. 6). 1. Job defends his grief/lament (Job 6:1-13). 2. Job rebukes his

Job’s Lament
October 16, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Oct. 16, 2022 Book of Job Alan Conner Job 3-5 Jobs Lament Intro A. JOBS LAMENT (3:1-26). 1. Let the day and night perish that gave me life (3:1-10). 2. Why did I not die

Three Friends
October 09, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Oct. 9, 2022 Job Alan Conner Job 2:11-13 Three Friends Intro A. THEIR ARRIVAL (Job 2:11). 1. By the time they arrived, it was weeks if not months. 2. Their intended missio

Satan’s Attack: Round Two
October 02, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Oct. 2, 2022 Book of Job Alan Conner Job 2:1-10 Satans Attack Round Two Intro A. SATANS SECOND ENCOUNTER WITH GOD (2:1-6). 1. Initial dialogue (Job 2:1-2). 2. God init

The Testing of Job
September 25, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Sept. 25, 2022 Book of Job Alan Conner Job 1:1-22 The Testing of Job Intro A. THE DESCRIPTION OF JOB (1:1-5). 1. His piety (Job 1:1). 2. His possessions (Job 1:2-3). 3. Hi

Job – Introduction
September 18, 2022

Northwest Bible Church Sept. 18, 2022 Book of Job Alan Conner Book of Job Introduction Intro A. GENRE OF THE BOOK 1. Poetry. 2. Wisdom. B. AUTHOR OF THE BOOK - ??? 1. No one knows for sure. 2. E
