Market Currents

Market Currents

Latest Episodes

Deciphering Labor Market Insights
March 21, 2024

Katie Nixon, chief investment officer at Northern Trust Wealth Management, navigates the intricate web of labor market data, unpacking the divergent signals that have emerged since the beginning of 2024. Katie explores the relationship between unemploymen

Deploying Liquidity When Markets Are Up
February 22, 2024

Having liquidity to invest when markets are up may sound like a good problem to have but that doesnt make it any less worrisome to contemplate buying securities just to watch their value drop should there be a downturn. Investors in this situation are

Tax Drag with Pete Mladina, Executive Director of Portfolio Research
January 25, 2024

Taxes are a consideration for every investor, but they can be very complicated. Its not always clear where they are assessed or how much they impact your portfolio. So, while some tax is necessary, your strategy may have you paying more than you have to.

Exploring Inflation and How To Protect Your Investments
November 16, 2023

The topic of inflation is hard to miss in the news, in your purchases and in your investments. And while its effects might be the most noticeable at the store or the gas pump, the biggest impact can be in your portfolio where it is constantly eroding th

Across the Metaverse with Julie Sweet, Accenture CEO
August 24, 2023

Virtual reality isnt science fiction anymore. The biggest companies on the planet have invested heavily in digital worlds, also known as the metaverse. And its not just the tech and entertainment industriesthe metaverse has applications across the ec

Where Did the Workers Go?
April 27, 2023

Wages are rising and unemployment hit a 50-year low. But while thats good for job seekers, its potentially challenging for policymakers fighting inflation. At the heart of this dynamic is a tight labor marketone where the demand for workers is greater

Data Point: Demystifying the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey - January 2023
February 23, 2023

Katie Nixon, chief investment officer at Northern Trust Wealth Management, breaks down 2023s first University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey. The survey which tracks how respondents feel about the economy offers a valuable window into consumer

Central Banks Versus Inflation: Your Questions Answered
October 07, 2022

This year has offered little shelter to investors trying to avoid downdrafts across all asset classes. Inflation has been stickier and more unpredictable than expected. The Federal Reserve and global

As Rates Rise, do Bonds Belong in Real-World Portfolios?
May 04, 2022

The first quarter of 2022 saw negative returns across the U.S. bond market as persistently rising inflation surprised central bankers and bond investors alike. Dramatically rising interest rates have

Does Conflict in Ukraine Shift Global Energy Forever?
April 21, 2022

The war between Russia and Ukraine is a direct conflict between two of the worlds biggest commodity exporters, causing disruptions that will be felt for years. As European leaders seek to reduce or e
