Northern 90 Canadian Premier League Podcast

Northern 90 Canadian Premier League Podcast

Latest Episodes

How the CanPL Came to Be with Dr. Duane Rockerbie
October 04, 2019

Insights from the economist who said it would work

Jeff Paulus on Expansion, Academies and More
September 11, 2019

An interview with FC Edmonton's Head Coach

Let the (Canadian) Kids Play
August 28, 2019

An analysis of how young Canadians have performed in the CanPL

Unpacking Leadership Lessons from the Jordan Murrell Meltdown
August 10, 2019

Three things that displayed true leadership

Fixture Congestion in the CanPL and Three Ideas for Fixing It
July 23, 2019

How to avoid injuries and still have a great league

45,000 Data Points - 5 Lessons Learned
July 16, 2019

What separates the CPL's Best from the Rest

Five Stories that Dominated the Spring Season
July 09, 2019

A look back on the first half-season in league history

The King of Barton Street
June 20, 2019

An interview with Allan Gorman of the Barton St. Battalion

The Great Canadian Motorcycle Soccer Tour
June 06, 2019

An Interview with Steve Hemphill and Ian Fellows
